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Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Innocent Love

Horikita Maki as Akiyama Kanon
Sawaki Ruka (沢木ルカ) as young Kanon
Kitagawa Yujin as Nagasaki Junya
Kashii Yu as Sakurai Mizuki
Fukushi Seiji as Akiyama Yoji
Narimiya Hiroki as Segawa Subaru
Uchida Yuki as Toono Kiyoka
Toyohara Kosuke as Ikeda Jiro
Naitou Takashi as Yoshimichi (priest)

An arson took it all away from Akiyama Kanon seven years ago. Her parents died in that fire, her brother was arrested as the prime suspect and her carefree life disappeared from that instant. She was shunned by the town as the sister of a murderer, yet she believes in her brother's innocence and often pays him visits with words of encouragement. As life gets harder when nobody is willing to give her a job, Kanon decides to try her luck in the city and there she meets the man of her destiny...

Main theme song : Eternally-drama mix by Utada Hikaru

First Episode Rating : 16.9 (relatively high)

Official Site : http://www.fujitv.co.jp/innocentlove

I gOt SomEthInG tO sAy

Monday, October 20, 2008

Oh! My Girl!!

Yamashita Kotaro was living a peaceful life as a publisher part-timer pretending to be a mobile phone novelist until two females suddenly appeared in his life. One is his six-year-old celebrity niece, Anne, and the other is the little girl's stern manager. As he is forced to live under the same roof as the little prodigy, their differences soon manifest and disputes ensue. Anne is popular, spoilt, cocky and rich whereas Yamashita is the opposite. However, through co-habitation, Yamashita slowly comes to appreciate having a family and the warmth it brings, all the while developing a love-hate relationship with Fuji Mineko, the manager.


Hayami Mokomichi as Yamashita Kotaro
Kato Rosa as Fuji Mineko
Tomosaka Rie as Yasuno Makiko
Okada Yoshinori as Ishida Ken
Yoshida Riko as Sakurai Anne
Takahashi Hitomi as Shibuya Kae
Irie Jingi as Shibuya Yuta
Shinohara Mai as Shinomiya Mutsumi
Hiranuma Norihisa as Hirakawa Atsushi
Furuta Arata as Sugawara Hirofumi
Kaga Takeshi as Ishizaka Kazuo

Yoshida Riko is so damn KAWAII!!

I gOt SomEthInG tO sAy

Wednesday, October 15, 2008


剧 名:少年四大名捕
英 名:The Four
监 制:林志华
编 审:李绮华 叶世康
日 期:2008年9月22日起
时 间:逢星期一至五 20:30-21:35
主 演:林峰 吴卓羲 陈键锋 马国明 徐子珊 李诗韵 李斯庭 龚茜彤 林嘉华
集 数:预计24集
类 型:古装

是次送劍任務,諸葛先生帶同大弟子成崖餘前往。崖餘外號無情,雖不良於行,但擁有超凡智慧,高傲自負,是為破案奇才。諸葛得無情相助,再加上當地的正義捕 快,外號鐵手的鐵遊夏,一宗撲朔迷離的連環兇殺案終於數天內迅速被偵破。諸葛先生斗膽向徽宗提出請求,只要協助徽宗尋回大宋的開國寶藏,就讓他重開神捕 司,查辦一切冤案疑案。徽宗貪圖財富以及急於尋回趙家向江湖人士承諾的報恩令,終答允諸葛先生所求。與此同時,一名外號追命的江湖騙子崔略商因涉嫌殺害愛 人小透,面臨被處決的命運。諸葛先生知悉追命雖毫無大志,不務正業,卻絕非大奸大惡之徒,兼且擁有一身絕頂輕功,實是一名人才,故設計逼使鎯鐺入獄的追命 協助調查開國寶藏的下落。追命為求沉冤得雪、以及揪出殺害小透的真兇,終答應諸葛先生所求。
另一方面,大連盟盟主凌落石同樣覬覦寶藏,故派出武功高強的殺手冷血狙擊眾人,雙方連番惡鬥,冷血終不敵三人而受創,更被困於寶藏石室中,生死一線,後得 諸葛先生以德報怨救回。冷血為人雖然冷酷,但卻是重守承諾之輩,終答允為諸葛先生誓死效命一年,以還救命之恩。開國寶藏得以尋回,神捕司終獲徵宗批准而重 開。無情、鐵手、追命和冷血被任命為司中四大捕快,成為諸葛先生旗下猛將,陸續偵破花石綱官員失蹤事件、瘟疫村瘋醫殺人事件、武林幫派孤島殺人事件等多宗 奇案,伸張正義,為民拯命。
原來凌落石一直企圖稱霸武林,不斷巧取豪奪,陸續吞併江湖各幫各派,藉此配合蔡京獨攬朝政的野心。落石借助江湖黑暗勢力對抗神捕司,不斷陷害和殘害武林正 派,藍天幫幫主藍破天更慘被害死,其女兒藍若飛不惜漠視皇法,意圖報仇,遂跟神捕司屢生衝突,豈料卻因此跟鐵手產生一段糾纏不清的感情。
諸葛先生發現蔡京勾結齊王趙昌,企圖謀朝篡位,於是親自當臥底接近齊王,意圖搜查罪證。豈料蔡京將計就計,反過來陷害諸葛先生勾結齊王謀反,終令諸葛先生 面臨抄家被斬之命運。與此同時,無情、鐵手和追命同時質疑諸葛先生建立神捕司的用心,只是貪圖權利的手段,結果令神捕司與四大捕快同時陷於分崩離析的狀 態。幸好危急關頭時,曾為殺手的冷血依然忠於諸葛先生,遂拚死逃避蔡京等人的追殺,四處尋回陷於分裂狀態的三大捕快,希望團結眾人為諸葛先生平反冤案、以 及揭破蔡京謀朝篡位的大陰謀。 諸葛先生的冤案終獲平反,神捕司也得以重開,四大捕快功不可歿,深被朝廷和江湖頌讚,從此人稱四大名捕。

I gOt SomEthInG tO sAy

Monday, October 06, 2008

Some Random Stuff

It has been some time i done something on my blog, so i added some. I added a tag above this book, which shows some inspirational/motivational crap. At the bottom of the page, i added a game console which anyone can play some flash games on it. The main feature is both of these is they are both random : random qoutes, random games. Everytime you visit or refresh the page, a random qoute/game is loaded. I've only included a couple of qoutes and games juz 2 make sure itz working so i would be adding more when i find good ones.

Guess this shows how bored i am for now.

I gOt SomEthInG tO sAy

Wednesday, October 01, 2008

What's Your Name's Hidden Meaning?


What Derrick Means

You are balanced, orderly, and organized. You like your ducks in a row.
You are powerful and competent, especially in the workplace.
People can see you as stubborn and headstrong. You definitely have a dominant personality.

You are friendly, charming, and warm. You get along with almost everyone.
You work hard not to rock the boat. Your easy going attitude brings people together.
At times, you can be a little flaky and irresponsible. But for the important things, you pull it together.

You are wild, crazy, and a huge rebel. You're always up to something.
You have a ton of energy, and most people can't handle you. You're very intense.
You definitely are a handful, and you're likely to get in trouble. But your kind of trouble is a lot of fun.

You tend to be pretty tightly wound. It's easy to get you excited... which can be a good or bad thing.
You have a lot of enthusiasm, but it fades rather quickly. You don't stick with any one thing for very long.
You have the drive to accomplish a lot in a short amount of time. Your biggest problem is making sure you finish the projects you start.

You are very open. You communicate well, and you connect with other people easily.
You are a naturally creative person. Ideas just flow from your mind.
A true chameleon, you are many things at different points in your life. You are very adaptable.

You are a seeker of knowledge, and you have learned many things in your life.
You are also a keeper of knowledge - meaning you don't spill secrets or spread gossip.
People sometimes think you're snobby or aloof, but you're just too deep in thought to pay attention to them.

I gOt SomEthInG tO sAy

Symphony Music School Website

YUI Official Website












Karloon Li Tian